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John Terry. Leave to return

John Terry. Leave to return John Terry decided to hang the shoes on a nail. After the 37-year-old football player refused to go to Spartak Moscow, his decision to “tie up” with active performances does not seem unexpected. Rather, the opposite is true. The demand for this footballer among the “powerful people” is long gone, and Terry himself is not out of hand to pass the time in the Championship.
Therefore, he decided not to continue the prolonged tormenting sessions. Fortunately, that immediately turned up option with employment. Aston Villa, the colors of which he defended last season, just fired the coach. And instead of the disgraced Steve Bruce, the Birmingham club invited Dean Smith, who will be helped by Terry. Initially, it was reported that Terry was considered the main contender for the vacant seat. However, probably, the absence of the slightest coaching experience prompted the club to look for a more qualified candidate, in which John will gain experience. And there, look, and he will become the helmsman.
In principle, in Western Europe, this is the beginning of a coaching career for former famous footballers. More precisely, as a rule, these careers start in this way – from working as an assistant in the lower leagues. And if it is given to you to be a coach, you will surely overcome this thorny path. And you will become a real dock. Proven by Antonio Conte. And not only them. So, the ex-captain of the England team and London “Chelsea” still have a lot to do in the new incarnation. In any case, at this stage it is possible to say only this way – definitely uncertainly.
But we can speak more meaningfully about his completed football career. Putting clearer accents.
For more than 20 years of football life, John Terry became the champion of England five times, once won the Champions League and the Europa League, was the captain of the national team. He is still the top scorer among his roles in the English Premier League (39 goals). In principle, these regalia are quite enough to introduce a person to the Football Hall of Fame. At least in Chelsea. Or to get a lifetime subscription to Stamford Bridge. However, paying tribute to the talents and merit of a football player who honestly and efficiently did his job, it cannot be said that, first, he bent down above his head. And secondly – that he left on time. Neither the first nor the second footballer John Terry did. It is difficult to say why, but did not. Maybe this is not his fault, but the trouble – for sure.
John Terry. Leave to return
God did not hurt this once puny boy neither with his health, nor especially with his intellect. Football intelligence. In his best years, Terry was rightfully considered one of the best footballers in his role. Later, legends will most likely be told about his fearlessness and selflessness, and the number of his goals scored was mentioned above. He is the only one who has managed to become the five-time champion of England from Chelsea since the time of Roman Abramovich. So from admirers of “aristocrats” he was prepared a monument not made by hands. On the other hand, it is possible and necessary to assert that Terry for various reasons could not use his full “golden” stock. We can only guess how this centback’s career would have been if he had responded to the offers of Real or Barcelona. Maybe he could outshine Roberto Carlos and Gerard Piqué. Taken together. Or maybe he would have stood halfway between McManaman and Owen.
Instead of foreign shores, he chose his homeland, honor and praise for it. But even at Chelsea, he could not reach the peak. Although I had to. By the grace of God. And Roman Arkadevich. In the middle of the “zero” “Chelsea” was rightly considered one of the most powerful and recognizable clubs in the world. It was there that the “Special” began, it was there that the “JT” began. But nothing special Chelsea headed by Mourinho and Terry did not achieve. Means in the international arena. Is that sympathy. And depression.
Terry experienced depression simply. Like most of his famous compatriots – and modern, and “classics”. Drinks stronger, shorter words. Terry spent this “shorter” impression, half his life. One saga with a friend of Wayne Bridge is worth something. But there were still many intrigues, even with youngsters, there was a beating of the club’s guard, there were accusations of racism. Even with his coach, he managed to fight. With Rafa Benitez, when that short time headed the “blue”.
It seems that instead of all these and other scandals, Terry “did not give” to his main team in the life of several trophies at once. And it’s not just a penalty not realized ten years ago at Luzhniki in the Champions League final against Manchester United. Although in it, of course. After 2008, Terry was never able to return to his previous level.
John Terry. Leave to return
Wet field “Luzhniki” and “wet” business outside the football field did their job. Four years later, Terry raised the European Cup. But in the final against Bavaria, he did not play.

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