Veteran "Spartacus", which still has not lit.
Many spoke of a small, fragile boy from the Spartak double. The head coach with…

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Control flow Statements Control Statements in C#
When only nero is left. "Rossoneri" got into a systemic crisis, despite 4th place in the championship
Georgy Artmeladze analyzes the situation, seeing negative aspects in the club’s activities. When only nero…

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See you soon. Who will almost certainly leave Ligue 1 in winter
On the first day of the new year in Europe, the transfer window opened. Large…


Iceland used to have problems with drugs, but now everyone loves it.
We scared them by the police, showed scary pictures of smoked lungs June 2, 1993,…

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Ten most insane Christmas Premier League

In England, the rest is not accepted. Call Alexander Elagina – we remember the particularly hot winter confrontations of the past.
In England, it is customary to joke that they miss more at Christmas, because the defenders are too zealous during festive meals. True, nobody will blame these teams in 2012: just the attackers were so good. During the break, the score was only 1: 1: Demb Ba ricochet’s free-kick and Teo Walcott’s goal in the style of Thierry Henry. Second half … surprised. Twice, Arsenal stepped forward, and twice the magpies caught up. In the end, the “Gunners” have achieved their goal, scoring four goals in the last 17 minutes. Walcott committed a hat-trick, having recorded two assists passes.
Tottenham – Reading – 6: 4, December 2007
“Reading” frankly dominated the match, but even their playing forward Dave Kitson could not oppose Dimitar Berbatov, who gave one of the best results in his career. Bulgarian scored four goals and helped the “spurs” to rise to the 12th line.
As a result, the North Londoners finished the season on the 11th place, and “Reading” lowered his hands and flew according to the difference of goals.
Chelsea – Aston Villa – 4-4, December 2007
Glorious 2007 ended on a holiday note – they scored and missed a lot. That match had everything: eight goals, three red cards and a real miracle at Stamford – the double of Andrey Shevchenko, whose second goal is worth reviewing and revising. Say what you want about Abraham Grant, but with José Mourinho such a holiday rarely happened. Yes, he would have won that match, but would it be so fun?
Chelsea – Southampton – 2: 4, January 2002
Chelsea Claudio Ranieri played unstable, but continued to hope for the championship gold. He was ahead of Arsenal, and at the very bottom Gordon Strakan’s Southampton was stagnating. No one doubted the victory of the “blue”. And for the break Londoners really led: 2: 1. But, as often happens, the second half turned out to be unpredictable: the “holy women” scored three unanswered, including thanks to the miracles from James Beatty. As a result, Chelsea finished the season in sixth position, and rose to 11th place in Southampton.
“Newcastle” – “Tottenham” – 7: 1, December 1996
It seems that, having missed the gala dinner, the players of Newcastle were in top form, and the Spurs could not do anything with them. It was a typical Kevin Keegan team: Alan Shearer’s miracle goals, Forest Ferdinand, Rob Li and even Philip Albert spoiled Tottenham’s pre-Christmas mood. In defense, too, everything was in kiganowski: John Beresford, who had fallen asleep from idleness, missed the rare appearance of the enemy in his own penalty area, as a result of which Allan Nielsen recorded a goal of prestige as an asset. A week later, Keegan was shocked after leaving the post of coach “forty.” Without trophies, but beautifully – that Newcastle was remembered.
“Oldham Athletic” – “Manchester United” – 3: 6, December 1991 and “Oldham Athletic” – “Manchester United” – 2: 5, December 1993
To spoil someone’s Christmas is ugly. Do it twice, and even away – even more. In 1991, dangerous Manchester United, who almost won the championship (but lost to Leeds), destroyed the poor Oldham with fast goals for the authorship of Andrei Kanchelskis and Ryan Giggs. Denis Irwin scored his former club and did not hesitate to celebrate. Manners? What are manners?
Two years later, United had already had the Premier League, and a victory at Boundary Park allowed them to achieve 14 points. It was easy: Erik Cantona joined the duet of Giggs and Kanchelskis. You understand, in 1994, no Christmas in Oldham was not celebrated.
Manchester United – West Brom – 3: 5, December 1978
If you recall every goal in this meeting, you can easily assert that this is one of the best matches in the history of English football. Ron Atkinson’s vibrant West Brom broke United, still reeling from Liverpool on Boxing Day. First, “MJ” led by the ball Brian Greenhoff, but then put his word excellent striker opponent. Again and again, Lori Cunningham went around the defenders, and Len Cantello and Cyrille Regis steadily used their chances. Season “thrushes” finished on the third line of the table.
Tottenham – Chelsea – 5: 2, December 1961
The Spurs are known for bad results with Chelsea, but this is now. Previously, it was different. Tottenham is the champion, and only four days after the victory over Chelsea with a score 2-0, the teams met again at White Hart Lane. This time the victory was brighter, and Cliff Jones’ hat trick left no questions with the critics. As a result, Chelsea flew into the second division.
Almost all matches of December 1963
No holiday list will be complete without mentioning the glorious 1963, when 66 goals were scored on Boxing Day in 10 matches. “Fulham” beat “Ipswich” (champion) with a score of 10: 1. “West Ham” was destroyed at home “Blackburn” – 8: 2