Interesting facts about the World Cup
Very little time remains before the start of the World Cup, which will be held…

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7 interesting facts about football
Football is the most popular and massive sport in the world. It gives joy to…

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I saw the Champions League final from the inside. It was magical
Any trip to a match for a journalist begins with an accreditation. But the Champions…


A politician who loves football
Fellut is a tiny village near Budapest, where about two thousand people live. The tranquility…

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Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? Remember the coaching success of students of Sir Alex

Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? We recall the coaching success of the students of Sir Alex Staw, the main “Joker” in Manchester United, Ole-Gunnar Solskher forever loved the stands of the Old Trafford. Now he has to prove that he deserves to raise the club from its knees as a coach.
“The murderer with the face of the baby” will fill the void formed after the dismissal of Jose Mourinho. “United” will not be his first club – before that he had trained the reserves of the Red Devils, Cardiff City and his native Molde, to which he would soon return.
Ole is no longer the only graduate of the Ferguson school. Today we will talk about other famous followers of the great Scotsman.
Mark Hughes
Star Trader at Old Trafford, Mark Hughes, has long been afloat as a coach, although his results are not stable. 2018 turned out to be very difficult, but on the dossier he has quite famous clubs. Having successfully worked with the Wales team, Hughes began to train Blackburn Rovers, who with him rose to the top six of the Premier League and even made their way into the UEFA Cup in 2006.
In 2008, the former rival was noticed by Manchester City, but a year later the Welshman was fired. With Fulham, he finished in eighth place, but in 2011 it was decided to change the registration again – this time to Queens Park Rangers, where Sparky worked for no more than a year. Only in “Stoke City” Hughes was delayed, having worked with the club from 2013 to 2018, taking the ninth position in the table three times in a row. But even here, his time has come to an end. This year, Mark unsuccessfully tried to give life back to Southampton, but was quickly fired. What awaits him next – is unclear.
Gary Neville
Outstanding defender Neville brought the noise, without any warning and experience becoming a coach of “Valencia”. But in Spain, the talkative columnist didn’t have anything, and after only 28 matches (and 10 victories) the Englishman was fired. After that, Gary decided to stop the experiments and returned to his role as TV host on Sky.
As for club football, Gary continues to play with Salford City, which he owns with friends Phil Neville, Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs.
Roy kean
Keen – proof that a successful gaming career does not guarantee success in the coaching field. A lively and quick-tempered Irishman was the captain of United, with whom he won 17 titles, and almost immediately after his retirement from football, he returned as manager of Sunderland. The beginning was great: with 23 places Championpipa in the Premier League! But soon after a bright result, he left for Ipswich Town. Over 14 games – zero wins. In January 2011, he was fired. This was followed by the roles of assistant in Ireland and Aston Villa.
Having worked in the national team until this year, Keen is still out of work.
Ryan giggs
When David Moyes was fired from MJ in 2014, many sincerely believed that Ryan Giggs would be an ideal long-term replacement for a specialist. And he really began to train his favorite club – but only at the very end of the season, for four matches. The result – two wins, draw and defeat. The club management decided not to try to bring out their Pep Guardiola, and decided to replace the Welshman Louis van Gal. Giggs also became an assistant to the Dutchman. It seemed that he was his way to success, but no – after the departure of van Gal, Jose Mourinho was invited to replace him. Tired of waiting for his chance, Giggs left Old Trafford.
He is now coaching Wales, but his “rule” cannot be called particularly successful – the team has lost four times in the last five games.

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