Before Gareth Bale was Freddy Eastwood. The main hope of Wales, which almost everyone has forgotten
In August 2007, the 23-year-old striker scored a goal during his debut in the Wales…

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The best football players in the world
They can be called real football idols, which have earned the respect of fans from…

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City where football clubs constantly die
Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important millionaires in the country. Argentina, England, Croatia…


Iceland used to have problems with drugs, but now everyone loves it.
We scared them by the police, showed scary pictures of smoked lungs June 2, 1993,…

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leadership of the former

Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? Remember the coaching success of students of Sir Alex

Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? We recall the coaching success of the students of Sir Alex Staw, the main “Joker” in Manchester United, Ole-Gunnar Solskher forever loved the stands of the Old Trafford. Now he has to prove that he deserves to raise the club from its knees as a coach.
“The murderer with the face of the baby” will fill the void formed after the dismissal of Jose Mourinho. “United” will not be his first club – before that he had trained the reserves of the Red Devils, Cardiff City and his native Molde, to which he would soon return.
Ole is no longer the only graduate of the Ferguson school. Today we will talk about other famous followers of the great Scotsman. Continue reading

Forgotten homeland

The loud statements that the Russian national team reached a new level after the World Cup died down – everything gradually returns to its roots, replete with hopelessness, humiliation and rolling the ball. Cherchesov still stubbornly ignores Chalov and Karavaev, causing dubious personalities in the person of Neustedter and Ari, and fans put to sleep by the fantastic World Cup awaken from their sleep and begin to do their favorite work again – throw stones at the national garden.
Breeding in the national team at zero, because citizenship is scattered right and left, they don’t really call up ready-made players, and then at press conferences they don’t know what to say. In the light of the recent (and far from the first) failures of the national team, we are compiling a list of players who were far from their historical homeland, but could really help in the New Year. Continue reading

Iceland used to have problems with drugs, but now everyone loves it.

We scared them by the police, showed scary pictures of smoked lungs
June 2, 1993, Reykjavik. The Icelandic national team takes the Russian team and pulls out a 1: 1 draw. The result suits everyone: the Icelanders did not give up to the Russians who were strong at that time, and ours more than a year before the start of the World Cup-94 took home the most important tournament on Icelandic land. No one yet knows that there they will not leave the group, but will forever go down in history thanks to the five balls of Salenko at the gates of Cameroon.
October 14, 1998, Reykjavik. Continue reading

Dziuba rights: Emery - trainer
Unai Emery - the highest paid coach of the League 1. His salary is 450…


I earn so much that I can buy your life. ” The most fierce brawler of our time
"Such a life. It's just me, ”Marco Arnautovich said with a helpless gesture when he…
