When only nero is left. "Rossoneri" got into a systemic crisis, despite 4th place in the championship
Georgy Artmeladze analyzes the situation, seeing negative aspects in the club’s activities. When only nero…

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I earn so much that I can buy your life. ” The most fierce brawler of our time
"Such a life. It's just me, ”Marco Arnautovich said with a helpless gesture when he…

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Football was being killed in my hometown. But he still survived
Kirzhach - a city on the border of the Vladimir region with a population of…


What are “crosses” anyway? Injury that knocked out three players of the Russian national team
One of the main stabilizers of the knee joint is the anterior cruciate ligament, there…

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decided to stop

7 players who refused to work with Guardiola at Manchester City

The current Manchester City is a dream club. It has everything to achieve results and become successful. And the main thing that is here is money, a lot of money. Their bosses “citizens” are accustomed to spend, perhaps even not counting, although not … Financial fair play and the need to “solve issues” with UEFA – this is at least one reason to keep track of financial expenses.
One of the main expenditure items of the budget, “Manchester City”, of course, is the one that reflects the spending on the purchase of new players. At the Etihad Stadium, the current bosses of the “citizens” will certainly want to get the best ones, although not everyone agrees to go there, even under the pretext of working with one of the best coaches of our time – Josep Guardiola. Continue reading

Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? Remember the coaching success of students of Sir Alex

Sulskher in the United, and where are the others? We recall the coaching success of the students of Sir Alex Staw, the main “Joker” in Manchester United, Ole-Gunnar Solskher forever loved the stands of the Old Trafford. Now he has to prove that he deserves to raise the club from its knees as a coach.
“The murderer with the face of the baby” will fill the void formed after the dismissal of Jose Mourinho. “United” will not be his first club – before that he had trained the reserves of the Red Devils, Cardiff City and his native Molde, to which he would soon return.
Ole is no longer the only graduate of the Ferguson school. Today we will talk about other famous followers of the great Scotsman. Continue reading