Love at first sight
The German Bundesliga has always impressed with bright games and talented players. One of the…

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John Terry. Leave to return
John Terry. Leave to return John Terry decided to hang the shoes on a nail.…

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Solskher will not be fixed in "MJ". Norwegian specialist in the summer will give way to Pochettino
“Manchester United”, after two and a half years of cooperation, dismissed Jose Mourinho. The Portuguese…


Iceland used to have problems with drugs, but now everyone loves it.
We scared them by the police, showed scary pictures of smoked lungs June 2, 1993,…

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many players

Forgotten homeland

The loud statements that the Russian national team reached a new level after the World Cup died down – everything gradually returns to its roots, replete with hopelessness, humiliation and rolling the ball. Cherchesov still stubbornly ignores Chalov and Karavaev, causing dubious personalities in the person of Neustedter and Ari, and fans put to sleep by the fantastic World Cup awaken from their sleep and begin to do their favorite work again – throw stones at the national garden.
Breeding in the national team at zero, because citizenship is scattered right and left, they don’t really call up ready-made players, and then at press conferences they don’t know what to say. In the light of the recent (and far from the first) failures of the national team, we are compiling a list of players who were far from their historical homeland, but could really help in the New Year. Continue reading

Before Gareth Bale was Freddy Eastwood. The main hope of Wales, which almost everyone has forgotten

In August 2007, the 23-year-old striker scored a goal during his debut in the Wales national team, thanks to which Bulgaria was replayed. The blow impressed: Eastwood demonstrated desire, technique and precision, which was not expected from a beginner.
“It was a special goal. Finally, we have a football player who knows how to play on the edge. We heard about his exploits, and immediately tried to call him into the national team of Wales, ”recalls coach John Toshack. Continue reading

Football players use snus. Why is it important?

Snus is a smokeless type of tobacco. It contains almost three times more nicotine than a regular cigarette. Crushed moist tobacco is placed for some time between the upper or lower lip and gum. Then nicotine enters the body. The sale of snus is prohibited in almost all EU countries, but its use is not limited. Among athletes, this type of tobacco is very popular.
Why talk about him?
In England, discussing the material on the facts of the use of snus among the players of the English Championship. Shredded tobacco is popular with footballers in the Premier League and Championship. For example, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Newcastle defender Jamal Lassells subscribed to the snus distribution pages. They say that this type of tobacco affects concentration and strength, and also suppresses appetite. But doses are often abused, and from it develops bad consequences. Continue reading

I support a team that no one likes.
- Why are Atalanta fans not friends with anyone? - A question on one of…


What are “crosses” anyway? Injury that knocked out three players of the Russian national team
One of the main stabilizers of the knee joint is the anterior cruciate ligament, there…
