Valery Lobanovsky - Great coach!
The older generation of football fans who took the beginning of the 1960s should remember…

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Ten footballers who will tear in 2019
The end of the year is a time for interesting predictions. In 2018, the Golden…

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5 coaches who became multimillionaires after being fired
The work of the head coach in modern football every year becomes more and more…


I support a team that no one likes.
- Why are Atalanta fans not friends with anyone? - A question on one of…

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towards everything

How “Manchester City” beat “Liverpool” and returned to the golden race

In the match, which indirectly could be called gold, Guardiola and Klopp again came face to face to give us the best football. After the zeros on the scoreboard in the first match, it is unlikely that everyone waited for some “5: 3” in their next confrontation, especially when so much was at stake. The coaches again provided us with a whole range of tactical moves and pans and the most furious football. All this we rush to tell you. Let’s take a look at all the details of this confrontation.
Statistics match “Manchester City” – “Liverpool” (2: 1) Continue reading

Mauro Camoranesi: the cruel fate of the half-forgotten titanium of Italian football

Mauro Camoranesi remains a mystery to the entire football world. He deserves to be remembered, and he has something to brag about for his rich career, but it just so happened that it was not accepted to praise him, and the Italian heroes of the time chose others.
Play Mauro in the Premier League, and about him would still sing songs. Hardworking, loyal, aggressive, powerful, purposeful, masterful, disinterested, bipedal, easily adaptable and resolute – he had all the qualities of a cult figure. But somehow he went unnoticed, in the shadow of his contemporaries.
Mauro Camoranesi was born in 1976 in Tandil in the province of Buenos Aires. Continue reading

Fighter pilot became a star of football and journalism

“It was a terrible time: a sea of ​​murders, explosions”
Sunderland paid 18,000 pounds for me. Damn it, for those times it was a lot of money. Someone from the team joked, saying that my legs are made of gold, which is why I got such a large amount. The most interesting thing is that some fans believed in this nonsense: they met me on the street, rounded my eyes and avoided it if I didn’t hurt or injure, ”lied Ivor Brodis, the former England striker, in conversation with the journalist The Telegraph.
Actually, his name was Ivan. The captain of the Tottenham farm club, where Brodis played before the war, is to blame for the miraculous transformation of the name. Continue reading