Veteran "Spartacus", which still has not lit.
Many spoke of a small, fragile boy from the Spartak double. The head coach with…

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I earn so much that I can buy your life. ” The most fierce brawler of our time
"Such a life. It's just me, ”Marco Arnautovich said with a helpless gesture when he…

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Iceland used to have problems with drugs, but now everyone loves it.
We scared them by the police, showed scary pictures of smoked lungs June 2, 1993,…


Veteran "Spartacus", which still has not lit.
Many spoke of a small, fragile boy from the Spartak double. The head coach with…

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successful finalization

7 players who refused to work with Guardiola at Manchester City

The current Manchester City is a dream club. It has everything to achieve results and become successful. And the main thing that is here is money, a lot of money. Their bosses “citizens” are accustomed to spend, perhaps even not counting, although not … Financial fair play and the need to “solve issues” with UEFA – this is at least one reason to keep track of financial expenses.
One of the main expenditure items of the budget, “Manchester City”, of course, is the one that reflects the spending on the purchase of new players. At the Etihad Stadium, the current bosses of the “citizens” will certainly want to get the best ones, although not everyone agrees to go there, even under the pretext of working with one of the best coaches of our time – Josep Guardiola. Continue reading